Researchers Create ‘Neighborhood Watch’ System to Detect Network Problems

Network outages can have a big impact on businesses that rely on the Internet (which is just about every business these days), but sometimes cable breaks or other problems can be hard to quickly isolate so they can be repaired. So researchers at Northwestern University set up a new system that borrows a page from brick-and-mortar neighborhood-watch programs to keep an eye out for network problems.

Read more on The Chronicle

ISPs & P2P, Getting Along Without Getting Cozy

“Researchers at Northwestern University have discovered a way to ease the tension between ISPs and P2P users. As we all know, there’s been a growing tension between Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and their customers’ P2P file-sharing services, and this has driven service providers to forcefully reduce P2P traffic at the expense of unhappy subscribers and the risk of government investigations. Recently, some ISPs have tried to fix the problem through partnerships with certain P2P applications.

Read more on Slash Dot