Venezuelan crisis has negatively affected country’s internet, researchers find

As the Venezuelan crisis intensifies, researchers and policy experts have worked to understand its ramifications on the country’s politics, economics, health services, water security, infrastructure and more. Now, Northwestern University computer scientists have comprehensively examined the effects of the crisis on a previously unexplored area: the Internet. TechXplore, August 2, 2024.

APNIC GUEST POST: A hop away from everywhere — long-haul links in today’s Internet

Intercontinental Internet communications lie on top of a complex network of submarine cables forming its global communication backbone. As part of ongoing work focused on the criticality of the submarine cable network, fellow researchers from Northwestern University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison and I mapped traceroute measurements to submarine cables as a first step towards … Read more

Upcoming NSF Workshop: Towards Re-architecting Today’s Internet for Survivability

November 28-29, 2023. Dr. Walter Willinger (NIKSUN) and Prof. Bustamante are co-organizing an NSF Workshop bringing together an initial group of national and international experts to sketch and start implementing a transformative research agenda for solving one of our community’s most challenging yet important tasks: the re-architecting tomorrow’s Internet for “survivability”, ensuring that the network … Read more

APNIC GUEST POST: Identifying Autonomous Systems of state-owned Internet operators

How many major telecommunication companies are state-owned, and in which economies do they operate? Knowing the answer to such questions can be critical for network operators to make informed decisions on routing, interconnection and general network operations, particularly when they are operating in another economy or when a peer company is owned by a foreign … Read more

APNIC GUEST POST: Insights from operating an IP Exchange Provider

International mobile roaming is a key feature of cellular networks, enabling mobile subscribers to seamlessly use cellular services worldwide. It supports international travellers, who can access data roaming at a limited cost (or no cost), often using applications with stringent Quality of Experience (QoE) requirements (for example, VoLTE, video streaming). Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) infrastructure … Read more

APNIC GUEST POST: How critical are submarine cables to end-users?

Nearly all international data is carried by a mesh of submarine cables connecting virtually every region in the world. Today, the submarine cable network is recognized as vitally important to the global economy and as an enabler of sustainable growth in developing regions. While the initial deployments of the submarine network date back to the … Read more

APNIC GUEST POST: The role of cellular networks in the Internet

The growing key role of cellular networks for providing Internet connectivity in many places around the world makes the case for considering such networks as part of the critical infrastructure of these economies. An invited post for the APNIC blog. Read full paper here The tremendous growth of the mobile Internet, with over 11 billion devices … Read more